Pernice Brothers

B.S. Johnson

Pernice Brothers

Write a book of debt everyone must pay
Exact revenge in a grotesque way
Build a Taj Mahal on vacation time
The kiddies frag the sap before the ink is dry

It's as good as any joke I know
Write a book of leaves shuffled by the wind
Two unbound lives, orderless and grim
Set up to ensure failing miserably

Sublimate a world into poetry
The make sure your last intention's known
You were dead by forty-two
There'd be no rigid form for you

Jammed into a plot where you never would fit
A tiny manuscript with a hole cut in it
As you drifted off to sleep, my mother set bedtime for me
Terrycloth robe with a hand-me-down fit
Playing in the bath with a warship in it, yeah

Compositor: Joe Pernice

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