Twenty-o-three It is a matter how to see There is plenty of freedom left? Apparently! Attracted by subtle words Kill two birds with one stone They release the chains but they keep them short Subconsciously! Have you lost your faith Don't you believe in yourself Don't you know why and what you stand for We are the second generation, what is our role? Are we talking of a revolution or a silent insurrection? Or is it simply enough just to react Let's raise, let's raise, Is it just a phase? Are we a means to an end or a bearer of a past soul? We are the second generation, what is our role? Are we talking of a revolution or a silent insurrection? Or is it simply enough just to react How could it be that we are a means to an end or a bearer of a past soul We are the second generation, what is our role? Have you lost your faith Don't you believe in yourself Don't you know why and what you stand for Let's raise, let's raise, Is it just a phase? There is enough plac