Say Hi To Your Mom

As Smart As Geek Is Chic Right Now (tradução)

Say Hi To Your Mom

Tão inteligente quanto Geek Chic é agora

Eles cometeram um erro na fábrica de brinquedos

e se esqueceu de desligar a máquina cérebro

Então, quando a segurança abriu a porta no dia seguinte

havia um plástico, marca exército novo

E eles eram tão inteligentes quanto geek é chique agora

e tão inteligente quanto a invenção da fronhas

E eles perguntaram o guarda que eles tinham feito

mas seus joelhos eram tão instável e ele não era tão inteligente

então ele atirou-los todos mortos

As Smart As Geek Is Chic Right Now

They made a mistake at the toy factory

and forgot to turn off the brain machine.

So when security opened the door the next day,

there was a plastic, brand new army.

And they were as smart as geek is chic right now,

and as clever as the invention of pillow cases.

And they asked the guard who had made them,

but his knees were so shaky and he wasn't so smart,

so he shot them all dead.

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