Slaughter To Prevail

I Killed a Man

Slaughter To Prevail


Believe me, if I could, I threw away all memories
And would not take 'em to the grave
I'll take 'em to a fucking safe place
Rest in fucking peace, you piece of fucking shit
My pride would tell me that I must be silent
Vanity would say that I must tell everyone
Nothing is easier than killing a man

And Devil will see your faces
I am still the same orthodox

Кровью очистить, не смыть, не развидеть
Кровью очистить, не смыть, не развидеть

The Satan see faces, faces
I am still the same orthodox

Кровью очистить, не смыть, не развидеть
Кровью очистить, не смыть, не развидеть

I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man
I killed a man

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