Ray man eh bidh jog kamaa-o
Oh my mind, practice yoga in this way
Singee saach akapat kanthalaa
Let truth be your horn, sincerity your necklace
Dhi-aan bibhoot charaa-o
And meditation the ashes you apply on your body
Taatee geho aatam bas kar kee
Catch your burning soul (self) and stop the flames
Bhicchhaa naam adhaarang
Let the soul (self) be the alms bowl in which you
Collect the sweet naam and this will be the only
Support you will ever need
Baajay param taar tat har ko
The universe plays its divine music. The sound of
Reality is shrill, but this is where god is
Upajai raag rasaarang
When you listen to the reality from this place of
Awareness the sweet essence of raag arises
Ughatai taan tarang rang
Waves of melodies, emotions, and passions arise and
Flow through you
Gi-aan geet bandhaanang
Bind yourself with the song of god
Chak chak rehay dayv daanav mun
The universe spins like a potter's wheel and from it
Fly demons and angels
Chhak chhak bayom bivaanang
The sage listens to this and instead of getting caught
In either one, the sage drinks the nectar of the
Heavens and is carried to the heavens in a divine
Aatam upadays bhays sanjam ko
Instruct and clothe yourself with self control
Meditate unto infinity
Jaap so ajapaa jaapai
Until you are meditating without meditating
Sadaa rehai kanchan see kaayaa
In this way, your body shall remain forever golden
Kaal na kabahoo bayaapai
And death shall never approach you