Sweet Mermaids

Not Okay

Sweet Mermaids

Some days everything seems colorless
Life becomes dull and we only see pain
I wish I could speed up time
Get out of this vibe and live in another moment

But I know that running away isn't the solution
And sometimes we need to suffer
Pain makes us stronger

And even when nothing is right
Not okay, not okay, (not okay)
Be strong, everything will be okay
Not okay, not okay (not okay)

It's okay
Believe me
These moments always come to an end
No matter how long it takes to pass
You'll soon be in a better place

And even when nothing is right
Not okay, not okay, (not okay)
Be strong, everything will be okay
Not okay, not okay (not okay)

Some days everything seems colorless
Life becomes dull and we only see pain
I wish I could speed up time
Get out of this vibe and live in another moment

But I know that running away isn't the solution
And sometimes we need to suffer
And even when nothing is right
Not okay, not okay, (not okay)

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

Letra enviada por Madison Montgomery

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