deliver me, out of my sadness deliver me, from all of the madness deliver me, courage to guide me deliver me, strength from inside me
all of my life i was in hiding wishing there was someone just like you now that you're here now that i've found you i know that you're the one to pull me through
deliver me, loving and caring deliver me, giving and sharing
all of my life i was in hiding wishing there was someone just like you now that you're here now that i've found you i know that you're the one to pull me through
deliver me deliver me oh, deliver me
all of my life i was in hiding wishing there was someone just like you now that you're here now that i've found you i know that you're the one to pull me through
all of my life i was in hiding wishing there was someone just like you now that you're here now that i've found you i know that you're the one to pull me through