The Coronas
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Hearts for Eyes

The Coronas

Thoughts & Observations

Well, there's nothing left for me to do
I just found out that I'm obsessed with you
As you lay down and dream in my room
It's not fair
'Cause I really thought that I was done
With all this kinda stuff when I was young
But I still stare at you with love hearts for eyes
Yeah, I'm not okay, I've gone completely insane
It's not fair

And don't get me wrong
Yeah, this is a love song
But now I can't speak
You knocked me off of my feet, unprepared
That's not fair

And now I know it's hard for you to see
No, I don't expect your sympathy
But I still stare at you
With love hearts for eyes

I'm kinda scared of you
To my surprise
Now I can't speak
You knocked me off of my feet, unprepared
That's just not fair

Now there's nothing left for me to do
I just found out that I'm obsessed with you

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