Didn't you ever feel like the largest Elizabeth in the World? Usually at a time when the boy is oblivious to the girl Ireadinthepapertheotherdaythishasbeenhappeningtoeverbodymoreandmore Thescientistsareonthecasebuttheystilhaven'tfiguredoutwhatitisthatitis happening for
Slow down, slow down, slow down
Wouldn't you like to feel like yourself after suffering so many years? If you were asked to the party by somebody else you wouldn't be sitting home in tears Ormaybeyou'reoneofthoseinterestingpeoplewhodon'tgooutbuttheygettheirbest work done Bykeepingthemselvesinthehouseoffthestreetandawayfromthescenewhenit'stimeforthe resttohave fun
Slow down, slow down, slow down Come on, slow down, slow down
They say the world's over Goodbye see you next time You don't have to go
Whatiftheaftereffectoftheterriblebombisunusualbeyondbelief? Wouldn'tyouratherthewholepopulationhadlistenedtosomebodyliketheoldIndian Chief? Turnitaroundandgobacktothatsimpletruckstoponthewaytotheunfortunate world YoumightbethelargestElizabethbutElizabethisstillagoodnametohaveifyou'rea girl
Slow down, come on, slow down Slow down, slow down, slow down Slow down, slow down, slow down