When I was with you we were an estuary I don't know if I come from the river or the sea All I know is you are both my opposite and my reflection And where we meet, all salt and mouth and convergence We were the meeting point of a mountain and a valley
From a distance it is clear That we are inverted forms of one another Should our mountain crumble it would fill the valley to our brim Creating flatland where there was once chaos But until that beautiful collapse We wonder where you begin and I end We were two bodies running out of room in this world We carved space in ourselves for the other to borrow
For the other to burrow I wake up sometimes With ghost traces of your lips on my bone And my arms holding your phantom Frame as you drift away We were roots and soil The splendor of a tide pool
We were giants But for now we can't swallow the things that separate us Lioness please grab me again by the scruff of my neck And lick the wounds I've made trying to taste my own blood