Two Door Cinema Club

Happy Customers

Two Door Cinema Club

When the world ends
We'll do something different
Comfortably living
Passengers and company
It takes practice
The method is in the madness
Spark enough and something catches
Fire up the factory

Days, same as always
Somewhere halfway
Something new

When the day comes
Copy and paste the outcome
Hide away and pick the breadcrumbs
Listen to the radio
Could be talking
To little, too late, too often
Was never going to fix the problem
Ain't that just the way it goes?

Days, same as always
Somewhere halfway
Something new
We could wait for tomorrow
Where'd the time go?
What can we do?

Of all the possibilities
Happy customers are we
Pretty photographs and audiences looking in

Days, same as always
Somewhere halfway
Something new
We could wait for tomorrow
Where'd the time go?
What can we do?

Composição: Alex Trimble / Kevin Baird / Sam Halliday

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