Tyler, The Creator

Like Him

Tyler, The Creator


Damn, nigga, every time I look at you, I swear to God
Nigga, you got that nigga feet
You got that nigga body
You got that nigga long arms, fingers and shit
Flat feet, big di—

She said that I make expressions like him
My legs to my shoulders and my chin like him
My waist and my posture like him
Like him
Like him, like him, like him

Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know who he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know where he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
Do I look like him? (Like what?)
Like him (Like what?)
Like him (Like what?)
Like him (La-la-la-la)


Give me love and affection
Attention, protection (Go)
How could I ever miss a chance (Go)
That I never had?
I would nevДr judge ya
'Cause evДrything worked out without him (Like what?)
Like him (Like what?)
Like him

Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know who he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know where he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
Do I look (Huh?)

Like him
Like him

I decided to really get that love inside of you
I would never ever lie to you (Yeah)
You ain't ever gotta lie to me
I'm everything that I strive to be
So do I look like him?
Do I look like him? (Like him, like him, like him, like him)
I don't look like him (Like him)

It was my fault, not yours, not his, it was my fault
I'm sorry
You know, it was my fault
Not him 'cause he always wanted to be that for you
And I'm sorry I was young
but he's always wanted to be a father to you
So I-I fucked up and I take ownership of that
of my choices and decisions and I'm sorry for that
He's a good guy
So don't hold that against him because it was my fault
Just you know, forgive me

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