Western Flyer
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Wish You Were Here

Western Flyer

Lately when I´m with you you´re somewhere else
You slip away when I turn out the light
You´re lying beside me but I´m by myself
Where do you go when we kiss good night
Asleep in my arms you´re near yet so far

I miss you I wish you were here
I know you´re with someone
But I don´t know where
There´s no way to reach you
When you disappear
Are you having a good time
I wish you were here

I know how it feels to dance with the wind
Holding you is like holding thin air
When I hold you tight I still can´t get close
How can I touch you when you´re not really there

Oh, but I won´t give up
´Cause I love you so much

I miss you I wish you were here
I know you´re with someone
But I don´t know where
There´s no way to reach you
When you disappear
Are you having a good time
I wish you were here

There´s no way to reach you
When you disappear
Are you having a good time
I wish you were here
I miss you I wish you were here

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