Yannis & The Yaw
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Under The Strikes

Yannis & The Yaw

I was born
Under strikes
Where I lost my mind
And lost my sight

I was born
Under strikes
Where I lost my way
I lost my mind

And I have lived in
The finest times
But I gave it up
Just to wait in line

I was born in the dark of night
Where I made my signs
And I made my life
Under the strikes

Under the strikes x4

You were born under blue skies
But you lost your way and you lost your mind
I cracked my ribs but I found my spine
We truly lived in the best of times

I once made my perfect home
Where I found myself but ate alone
I once knew all your names
But I sold them off and went insane

Under the strikes x4

Under the strikes

Ma once told me don't despair
Seasons change into the winter air
A lion lifts to leave the room
And all our days are gone to soon

I once thought we had time to spare
Seasons come in a winter air
A lion lists and leaves the room
And all our days are gone to soon

I once thought there was time to spare
Seasons turn in the winter air
A lions lists and leaves the room
And all our days are gone to soon

Compositor: Ludovic Bruni / Tony Allen / Vincent Taeger / Vincent Taurelle / Yannis Philippakis

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