Goldie Boutilier

It's Over

Goldie Boutilier

My Name Is Kay

How does it feel to take a life?
Over and over, when he said it was over
Can't help the way that I feel inside
Cause this never over, when he said that it's over
I see your face when I close my eyes
How would be sober when the night isn't over
I can't help the way that I feel inside
Cause this never over, when he said that it's over

Over, over, over, over, over, over
when he said that it's over
Over, over, over, over, oh-oh-ooh
When he said that it's over
(How does it feel to take a life)

How does it feel to take a life?
Over and over, when he said it was over
Can't help the way that I feel inside
Cause this never over, when he said that it's over
I see your face when I close my eyes
How would be sober when the night isn't over
I can't help the way that I feel inside
Cause this never over, when he said that it's over

Over, over, over, over, over, over
when he said that it's over
Over, over, over, over, oh-oh-ooh
When he said that it's over
(How does it feel to take a life)

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