Goldie Boutilier


Goldie Boutilier

Emerald Year

And I think I just lost my soulmate
In my dreams I hear you calling my name
For every time I asked you to wait
Want you to know that I'm sorry

And I don't know why they call it holiday
When every fiber in my being is breaking
And you know that you made a mistake
That's when you start to flip you go crazy

I might go crazy, might go psycho
Been a while, been a while, been a while
been a while since I let go
I might go crazy, might go psycho
Been a while, been a while, been a while
been a while since I let go

So why are you testing me
When you know I go crazy?
'Cause I gave you the best of me
Why the hell would you take it?

I might go crazy, might go psycho
Been a while, been a while, been a while
been a while since I let go
I might go crazy, might go psycho
Been a while, been a while, been a while
been a while since I let go
Let go

Compositor: Goldie Boutilier & Max Baby

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