Jack White
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Tonight (Was a Long Time Ago)

Jack White

No Name

Sometimes it's over before it begins
And you feel all those needles and pins
And before I confess all I know
Feels like tonight was a long time ago

She's breaking the light
Up on the stairs
The signal she's finally there
You have to go now before they come home
Tonight was a long time ago

My pain's been released from my car
And I feel better than ever before
And just when she opened the door
I thought tonight was a long time ago

She's breaking the light
Up on the stairs
The signal she's finally there
You have to go now before they come home
Tonight was a long time ago

She's breaking the light
Up on the stairs
The signal she's finally here
You have to go down before they come home
Tonight was a long time ago

It's deja vu all over again
The memories are all missing
And is fair to me, well
Sometimes it's over before it begins
Sometimes it's over before it begins
Sometimes it's over before it begins
Sometimes it's over before it begins

Tonight was a long time ago
And I was ten thousand feet on the floor
And right after I played all I know
I thought tonight was a long time ago

She's breaking the light
Up on the stairs
The signal she's finally here
You have to go now before they come home
Tonight was a long time ago, oh, oh, oh

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