Knocked Loose
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In The Walls

Knocked Loose

A Different Shade of Blue

Selfish lies
To keep you inside
Selfish lies
I'll keep you

Oh, I see you when I sleep
You live inside a dream
In that world I'm someone different
Someone I could never be

Mixed up in a violent wind
You were thrown to the wolves
From my hands you start to slip
I did everything I could

Laid flat onto the earth
Everything decays
It was just you, me, and her
All of our suffering fades
I will hold on to that memory
Until your skin turns grey
I will keep you in my walls
Holding on until you slip away
(Slip away, slip away, slip away, slip away)

Hide you in my walls
I'll hide you in my walls
"This brutal killing took place
while the family was gathered at home
on a Sunday afternoon
The day of the crime, the father went
to the trunk of his car, retrieved the rifle
and shot his wife as she was cleaning up
the kitchen after lunch
When his ten-year-old son came
to investigate the commotion
the father shot him, too
His six-year-old daughter had the good sense
to hide in the bathroom
but reports suggest he lured her out
by telling her it was just a game
The girl was found shot once in the chest
from point-blank range
The mother, who he shot in the stomach
was pregnant at the time
Police arriving on scene after neighbors
called 911 found the father in his car
listening to the radio"

Compositor: Bryan Garris

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