Knocked Loose


Knocked Loose

You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To

Followed by the thirst
An honest gaze left broken and marred
I am scarred

Marred (Followed)
And (By the)
Broken (Thirst)

Forever infected
With a sharp never-ending thirst
Searching for comfort
That I can never attain

Marred (Followed)
And (By the)
Broken (Thirst)

Dragging my knuckles
Forward but through the mud
Secluded lower form
Sickened by my thirst for change

Remove the canvas
Scratching at the surface of my face
I wanna start again
I can almost taste it

Compositores: Bryan Garris, Isaac Hale, Kevin Kaine, Kevin Otten & Nicko Calderon

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