Monday Riders
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Opened Scars

Monday Riders

Monday Riders

Far away from Earth
Lost in confusion, into the void
One decision can be wrong
I'm trying and learning with my opened scars

A blur in space and time
Lost in confusion, into the void
One decision can be wrong
I could throw myself into my mistakes

Oh, when do we find meaning in life?
Oh, maybe all the answers have passed me by

Inside this void
Could I find a home?
A safe place to live

Traveling down this space road
When my life needs a star to be my North
Because of all the shadows across this void
I learn to embrace the unknown

Oh, when do we find meaning in life?
Oh, maybe all the answers have passed me by

Inside this void
Could I find a home?
A safe place to live
Inside this void
Could I find a home?
A safe place
To cure my opened scars

On this space road
Guided by the stars that light my way
And though the answers may clear me
I know I'll find my meaning someday

Inside this void
Could I find a home?
A safe place to live
Inside this void
Could I find a home?
A safe place
To cure my opened scars
To cure my opened scars
My opened scars!

Compositores: Fred Sansaloni, Jairo Resenrods, Marco Fragola, Wagner Felix, Paulo Meneses.

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