Paris Paloma
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triassic love song

Paris Paloma


This morning I emerged
Onto wet earth
It had been raining

And while it had been raining
You and I, we had been lying

And while we had been lying
In the warmth we had been falling
Into slumber, with the thunder overhead

In the cave we laid down
To the rain sounds
On your window

Intermingled with the blood-rush
Of our love flush in our sinew

Sleep joined us in the lamplight
As a fire in a campsite
But we set no-one to watch
With our guard down

What a lovely hiding place
That you have made
To delay our parting
What a world outside
To keep each other safe from
That's all that I want, darling
That's all that I want, darling

You hold me in the burrow
Your brow furrowed in your dreaming

And at the time, the flood comes
And our blood runs
Cold and bleeding

You'd lie, womblike
And in your arms
I'd cease my breathing

With broken ribs
And one last kiss
I would die here warm

What a lovely hiding place
That you have made
To delay our parting
What a world outside
To keep each other safe from
That's all that I want, darling
That's all that I want, darling

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