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Pale Blue Dot


For Us

From this distant vantage point
The Earth might not seem of any particular interest
But for us
It's diferent
Consider again that dot
That's here
That's home
That's us

On it
Everyone you love
Everyone you know
Everyone you ever heard of
Every human being who ever was
Lived out their lives

Every hunter and forager
Every king and peasant
Every young couple in love
Every teacher of morals
Every corrupt politician
Every "superstar"
Every "supreme leader"
Lived there
On a mote of dust
In a sunbeam

The Earth
Is a very small stage
In a vast cosmic arena
In our obscurity
In all this vastness
There is no hint
That help will come from elsewhere
To save us from ourselves

To me
It underscores our responsibility
To deal more kindly with one another
And to preserve and cherish
The pale blue dot
The only home
We've ever known

Compositor: Carl Sagan

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